"I said I had a theoretical degree in physics.

10 luck, Built to Destroy, Finesse, the First Recon Beret, Ulysses' Duster, and True Police Stories (with Comprehension) will give you a combined base crit rate of 38%. Your unarmed attacks are 10% faster and gain 5% crit chance and 50% crit damage while you are not wearing armor.

The thing is that you should act sneakier, perform more critical attacks, and find better weapons such as Knuckles ASAP. The First Of Rawr is another weapon that grants the player multiple buffs for their critical hits. Posting memes will lead to temp and further permanent bans. Unarmed weapons have sort of fascinated me ever since Fallout 3 (I haven't played Fallout or Fallout 2). I understand that there's some good stuff you can unlock via dialog, so is the unarmed build a … During character creation, you can add an additional 3% for all weapons by choosing the Built to Destroy trait. If you really want to go unarmed the lonesome road dlc has a power fist with a saw blade on it,basically the unarmed verison of the chain saw -same rules,no crit⦠and shows the damage caused by a single click of the mouse/trigger. For most guns, this is a single bullet, but for shotguns it is a single shell (containing several small pellets), for the Gatling laser it is a single beam, and for melee weapons it is a single hit.